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Masturbation, like sexual intercourse itself, does not cause any decline in your erection. However, there is a refractory period that varies by age and the person that inhibits an erection for some time (1 or more hours) after masturbation or sexual intercourse. Masturbating and coming during sex are the same thing, an ejaculation based on sexual stimulation. After coming, there is a delay until you can come again - the refractory period. Masturbation does not interfere with sex unless you let it, mentally. Make sex the priority. It is more complicated because it is interaction with another person. Masturbation is easier for men, and I think that is why a lot of men do it more than have sex. There is no reason to stop masturbating in order to "come more" during sex. Just time is well.
Is it okay to masturbate if you're married? "Statistics state that up to 90% of the total male population and up to 65% of the total female population masturbate from time to time,"
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